Let's breakdown Low Lunge (Anjenayasana)
If you've ever been unsure of where to place your arms, how far to bend your knee, or variations to make this accessible...keep reading!
Explore these different variations of low lunge
Not all shapes feel good in all bodies. Explore your arms and legs and feet!
Benefits of Low Lunge
Low Lunge (Anjaneyasana) offers several benefits:
stretches the hips, quadriceps, and hamstrings while strengthening the legs and core
improves flexibility and balance, relieves tension in the lower back, and enhances overall stability
encourages better posture and helps prepare the body for more challenging yoga poses
Low Lunge - Which version is best, by Jenni Rawling's
I love sharing great content from other yogis!
Jenni Rawling provides excellent science-based insights on yoga. In this video, she breaks down different low lunge variations scientifically.