I teach meditation and mindfulness in businesses, law firms, yoga studios, andprivate/group sessions.

Meditation has changed my life. I found the practice as a response to feeling imbalanced in terms of how much of my time, energy and focus was spent on the swirl of thought, especially the negative, that infiltrated my days.

I loved the meditative parts of my yoga practice, and sought to explore how to be more present to every moment of my life, as opposed to overthinking, worrying and looking for change.

As I experienced more quiet and learned to change my relationship to everyday life, I immersed myself in intensive study and teacher training around meditation theory and practice so that I could learn and share this transformative practice. Along with teaching , I continue to learn, and practice every day.

I am a former attorney, stay home mom, and community service volunteer as well as a Meditation instructor and certified Enneagram practitioner.



“It is difficult to find happiness within oneself,
but it is impossible to find it anywhere else"

'Arthur Schopenhauer'

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